full name Casey John Wexler nicknames Case, CJ, Wex date of birth & age November 1, 1990 & 24 hometown Fairfield, CT current residence Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY occupation Production Assistant @ indigo productions education BFA in recorded Music - NYU '13 sexuality & status kinsey 1 & single

+ Four years after Jon and Miriam Wexler welcomed their first son, they rounded out their family with a second and final child. Much to their firstborn's dismay, Miriam went into labor on Halloween night which meant that four-year-old Dylan wasn't going to finish his trick-or-treating. Casey John didn't make his grand entrance until the wee hours of the first of November, 1990 and boy was it grand! His wail was said to be the loudest the delivery room nurses had heard, but it wasn't long after that, that the baby boy was settled in. While the couple was more than happy with the new addition, their firstborn was not too crazy about the squalling, red-faced baby they presented him.

+ Much to Dylan's disappointment, missing out on Halloween was just the beginning of his parents' attentions shifting. That's not to say that they ignored Dylan - far from it in fact - but naturally, a baby required a great deal more attention. Because of this, Dylan resented his brother for quite some time. When Casey began to be mobile, as most babies, he was curious and Dylan was oftentimes the object of his fascination. When Casey was three, Dylan got so frustrated with his brother's curiosity that a minor tussle - he was watching a show! - resulted in a gash on Casey's chin. Six stitches and years later, Casey has a tiny scar to remind him of the fight he actually had no recollection of.

+ As Casey got older, the brothers' relationship didn't improve that much, but it was just as well. Once Casey was enrolled in school, he made his own friends and had other things to occupy him than simply following his brother around. Of course he did still idolize Dylan even if the elder Wexler wasn't the least bit pleased by it. Not only that, but Casey was eager to learn and from the time he learned how to read, his head was always in a book. English would come to be one of his best subjects because of his love for the written word.

+ Having always been a little clumsy, Casey was never interested in sports, but appeased his father by joining a soccer team when he was six. After taking a ball to the face and losing one of his teeth earlier than it should have been, Jon resigned himself to the fact that his youngest would never be an athlete. Miriam eagerly jumped in with other suggestions for extracurricular activities, piano lessons being one that intrigued Casey most. He took piano lessons for five years and then decided he'd much rather attempt to be "cool," and play the guitar like Dylan at 15 was.

+ By the time Casey was in high school, he'd found his niche so to speak. He didn't fit into any one clique, but rather he skirted a handful of them. His group of friends was very small and like him, they also didn't fit into one specific classification. Casey's grades were always good, but he never could quite make an A in Math. He did manage to make the A B Honor Roll though! Aside from playing guitar (and yes, there was most definitely a failed attempt at a garage band) and participating in yearbook, Casey was mostly just involved in his academics.

+ Casey graduated high school in 2009 and there absolutely no question about attending college. While his parents weren't eager for him to be far away, they did want him to get out and explore the world…or at least a different part of the country. Unfortunately for Jon and Miriam, Casey decided on staying close to home, very close to home. With one of his acceptances being at NYU, Casey decided that he'd rather be near his family. He'd never gone very far before even just briefly, and he wasn't all that comfortable with doing so either. At least not yet. Casey moved into his dorm room in August of 2009 and has been in the city ever since.

+ Having assisted with the audio and video equipment at the church his family attended each Sunday morning and his love for music in general, Casey tentatively decided he wanted to study music. It wasn't until his sophomore year that he pinned down what he actually wanted his degree in: Recorded Music. Casey wanted to produce music and he wasn't too picky on what kind of music he produced. He'd grown up around a lot of different genres of music from the classic and soft rock his parents listened to, the alternative and metal that his brother listened to, and the worship music from church, not to mention the 80's pop he found all on his own and fell in love with.

+ Despite living less than 50 miles from The Big Apple and his father often commuting to the city for work, Casey didn’t venture into NYC much growing up. Naturally there were a few field trips with school and friends, but when he moved there for college, it was truly his first time to immerse himself in the city. His first couple of years were very exploratory for Casey, but even now he is still a bit sheltered. Much like with high school, Casey found his place in the city, mostly anyway, and decided to stay after college.

+ He graduated from NYU with his BFA in Recorded Music in May 2013 and continued the internship he began in April through June at Indigo Productions. During the summer he returned home and commuted to the city for the remainder of his internship. Once his internship ended, he was fortunate enough to be offered a full time position with the company as a production assistant. It was time to put down his own roots, and so Casey found a hole-in-the-wall studio apartment that wasn't in the best neighborhood much to his parents' chagrin, but no amount of arguing was going to change his mind. It was long past time to make his own decisions and he was positive he could make the apartment work. And he did, for two whole years.

+ In the summer of 2014, Casey began to feel as though his life was somewhat stagnant. He slept, he went to work, he came home and entertained himself. Rinse, repeat. It was during this time that he began to feel self-conscious of his body as well and thus began a transformation of many aspects of his life. Investing in a personal trainer, Casey transformed not only his body, but rearranged his habits as well. Well, mostly. He still was a disaster in the kitchen, but at least he made better choices. Most days. He continues to work out three times a week and walks more than he takes the subway. Ironically enough, once he'd toned up, Casey found himself even more self-conscious of his body.

+ With two years under his belt as a full time employee at Indigo Productions, Casey anticipates a promotion from Production Assistant any day. He's hoping it's sooner rather than later, but ultimately he's paid his dues in full. With that in mind, Casey decided he'd changed a lot of his personal life when he'd felt it was stagnant and the only thing left to do was upgrade from his shabby one-room apartment. In mid June 2015, he moved to Greenpoint in Brooklyn where he shares an apartment with a guy a mutual friend connected him with.

appearance ht: 6'0"
wt: 182lbs
eyes: green
hair: brown, usually kept short

distinguishing marks: very small scar on left side of chin that's often hidden under stubble

facts • Went by CJ in high school and his brother and a few high school friends are the only ones who still call him CJ.
• Idolized his brother and because of that, insisted on learning the guitar. Can play both guitar and piano.
• fact
• fact

personality An introvert to say the least, Casey is shy and generally more quiet and reserved when meeting new people. He's very friendly and giving however and it doesn't take long after that initial meeting for him to begin warming up and growing comfortable. Incredibly forgiving, Casey has a tendency of allowing himself to be taken advantage of. His heart is in the right place, but he loses some of his respect in the process. Loyal to a fault, Casey go above and beyond for his friends and family, more often than not putting himself last. While he is friendly and enjoys the company of others, Casey is somewhat of a loner, preferring to stay home and read a book or play a game to hitting up the city's night scene. Confrontation is avoided at all costs, usually with every bit of his effort going toward preventing a need for confrontation.